Roanoke, the Lost Colony, an English settlement established on Roanoke Island off the shore of North Carolina. Financed and organized by Sir Walter Raleigh under a charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I, seven years was given to fully established a settlement before losing  colonization rights. Raleigh was able to fund the expedition under the leadership of Ralph Lane and Richard Grenville.

July 4, 1584, the expedition led by Phillip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe landed on Roanoke Island. The two were tasked by Raleigh with exploring the Eastern coast, the established a rudimentary settlement and made contact with the local Secotan and Croatan tribes After a bit of exploration, Barlowe returned to England with two Croatans and made Raleigh an update on the local geography and politics. Based on the report, Raleigh organized a second expedition led Grenville.

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